Welcome To the Oxbridge Personal Statements Blog Page

Personal Statements

27th September 2016

Speak right now to our live team of English staff

Welcome to the Oxbridge Personal Statements blog page. Every week, we’ll be posting a new blog entry here discussing some of the key elements of university applications – whether this relates to the selection of your course and university, building experience, passing your exams or crafting the personal statement itself.

We are fortunate here at Oxbridge Personal Statements to be able to call on one of the UK’s most developed network of application specialists, meaning that we are in a strong position to offer you advice on nearly every element of university applications.

Whilst a good personal statement constitutes the lynchpin of the entire process, we recognise that there are a whole host of other issues that are on the minds of future applicants. It is our aim to offer you this assistance both through our editing and writing services, and by providing free guidance content within this blog – written by some of the strongest authorities in the field.

But university applications don’t have to be all prosaic self-endorsement and mindless character counting. The cliché of university constituting the best years of your life stands true for a vast number of students, and the application procedure should be a process of pleasure rather than pain. As such here at OPS we strive not only to make the process easy, straightforward and stress-free for you, but hopefully also a little fun. With our aims outlined, let’s get on with the good stuff…